Wednesday 26 June 2013

Divine Healing

Hello and welcome to Divine Healing website, divine energy is all around us and it always keeps penetrating deep within us. This in and out of the Divine energy ensures that we stay in perfect health. When we don't accept this energy in some or the other way or we don't accept Divine's changes for our life in any way we tend to block this energy from freely flowing in our life and into our body. Which leads to mental, emotional and physical blocks. Mental, Emotional and physical blocks the more they are the more problems they bring into life and on your health. When blocks are on a minor level leads to minor health problems like pain or discomfort in any part of the body; when block become bigger it can also lead to bigger problems in health and wellness.

Divine Healing brings to the world the Divine Energy and using it to de-block the energy system and again start the free flow of Divine Energy's Flow in one's life and one's body. This is why Divine healing is so powerful, there's nothing that is impossible for the Divine. Because He is Divine and He is the one who has created everything in this universe.

Divine Healing is soothing, it is the unconditional Love energy of the Divine that is channeled out in a special way that the person who is suffering from any ailment can accept it readily and fully. Divine Healing is 100% effective and nurturing. It is 100% safe and dependable for any kind of healing. As there are only good effects of it that are going to happen.

Divine healing is for anyone who has any disease that is acute or chronic. And it can be minor or serious. But this healing helps to assure you that you will be healed fully from within.

Disclaimer -

- This healing is effective even if you are under medication. This will help you to recover quickly which will make you healthy quickly with less medication. But this doesn't mean that you have to stop medication.
- We respect medical advice, and would want that you continue your medication until your Medical Practitioner makes alterations to it.
- We do assure 100% healing. But death is beyond our control. Only God can control it.
- We would like that you follow all dietary instructions, as well as medications and other additional advice as per your doctor or fitness expert has advised. Our healing method will work parallel to it.

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